Maru:[What is this?]
Because it will be Christmas soon, this is a present to you.
Maru:[Wow! This is a very interesting box. This has a peephole.]
Hey Maru, the present is not this box.
Maru:[Wow!! This box has also an interesting handle.]
だからプレゼントはこの箱ではなく――じゃーん! 段ボールのかまくらです!!
Look! The present is this one. This is Kamakura of the corrugated cardboard.
「魅惑的な穴が開いています。 お腹が少し引っかかります。」
Maru:[I found a fascinating hole. However, it is slightly small to my body.]
まるさん、よくお似合いですよ。 とても良い眺めです! 最高です!!
This matches to you very well. It is a very good view!!
Maru:[Whom is this present actually for?]
Maru, please never say it.