お留守番なねこ。Only cats stay home.

A whole day of cat house-sitting is about once a year, but Maru understands something when I put out the feeder.
Maru also knows that sometimes a little bit of food is served so that they don’t get bored.
When I took a picture from the feeder, I saw Maru often looking at the feeder.
(I can talk to cats from this feeder, but Miri’s scared, so I rarely use it.)

Maru always doesn’t eat dry food when I serve him.
But when the feeder serves the same dry food, he eats well.
For Maru, it might be an extraordinary event.

Hana can’t put her paws in the new feeder, so she can’t get the food out on her own.

Miri was on the second floor during the day and slept on the first floor sofa at night.
Miri was able to eat well too, so all cats were able to stay home well!

帰る時は、昨日ぶりにまるさんたちに会える! と思ってワクワクしながら玄関を開けるのだけれど、特に感動の再会というわけでもなく、スリスリゴロゴロもなく、いつも通り淡々と出迎えてくれました。みりは、去年はすごく怒っていてしばらく口もきいてくれなかったけど、今年は呼んだら普通にお返事してくれました。
When I go home, “I can see the cats for the first time in a day!”  and I excitedly open the front door. But it’s not a particularly touching reunion. Cats greet us coolly as always.
Miri was so angry last year that she wouldn’t speak to me for a while. But this time, when I called her name, she replied immediately.

私信 まるです。